
Monday, August 22, 2011

Thank you for Reading

So I reached 2000 post views today. I just wanted to tell everyone who reads or have read my posts thank you. My readership is interesting too half are from Trinidad and Tobago (where I’m from) a quarter is from the US and then the other 25% is made up of  readers from the UK, Denmark, Canada, Australia, Philippines, India, Norway, Germany, Slovenia and Singapore! Which is quite interesting, humbling and darn cool! :D It’s really encouraging to know and that for whatever reason persons are reading my blog posts from all over the world! It just goes to show that no matter who we are or where we’re from we’re all just people and go through the same experiences in live, which is what I write about… Life!

Thank you for reading!!! It’s good to know that people still do read. Reading, which was once commonplace has now been turned into something lame, weird and uncool with the dawning of the TV and now the Internet. When I meet someone I’m interested in one of the first things I ask is do you read? It puts me in a frame of mind for the type of person they are. Readers are more imaginative, open minded, resourceful and can talk about things other than cars, clothes, liming and the like.

I don’t care what you read newspapers, magazines, books or blogs it brings knowledge, expands your mind, makes you more accepting and incites thought.One of the sexiest things a woman can tell me is “I read about…. somewhere”. That’s really impressive! I guess it’s because I’m a sucker for good conversation.

I will continue to write if you continue to read and continue to let me know your thoughts on my thoughts. I will continue to call it how I see it. I write to provoke thought firstly. I write to inspire, to motivate, to be at peace myself and get these damn thoughts out of my head! I write because I love writing! Just as you read because you love reading.

Thank you for reading… 

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