
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Book on Subliminal Sex

Okay so my friend lent me this book I opened it...
Subliminal sex right in front of us
As plain (plane) as a flat surface
It has infiltrated the fabric of our very society
So much so that we sell our bodies unconsciously
For money, publicity, fame and glory
A story of the times
I keep reading...

Subliminal sex has taken our individuality and replaced it with a false sense of belonging
Well mission accomplished
We all fit in now
We all condone it
Either we all turn a blind eye or more times even look
We all form a part of a nation ruled by the mantra that sex sells
Well now aren’t we doing well for ourselves?
I turn the page...

A philosophy has been created:
“To be sexy is all about what your wear or rather what you don’t”
One must do anything it takes to get attention and whoever gets the most wins!
Forgive us Father we have sinned
We've strayed ever further away from you
Hoe houses are big business
Women selling their bodies for money
Expectantly I keep reading...

I've seen women not bound to any particular Hoe house organisation peddling their bodies too
In fact this is more prevalent
In fact it is accepted
In fact it is expected
Morals, values, self-worth neglected
And everyone stays silent and lets it happen
Who is to blame?

I read on...

No one seems want to address the real issue
Swept under the carpet like dust well this book is a vacuum
About to suck up all the dirt
Put it in reverse and blast it
Now all our dirty laundry is all over the room
Consumed by sex
In the movies, the Internet, in advertising too
And not to mention facebook pics
The personal calling card...

I continue reading...

It’s no surprise that we are highly ranked globally as pornographic consumers
The youth consume subliminal sex at a young age
Grow up to be adults already having reached the next stage
I for one am outraged that this cycle seems to be continuing
This has to stop
We deserve better for ourselves
Who is responsible?
Who is to blame?
Who must pay the price?

The story ends abruptly with two letters a mirrored reflection
It’s about time you read the book its thought provoking in the end...

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