
Friday, August 19, 2011


I came across this quote today. “A man who finds no satisfaction in himself will seek for it in vain elsewhere.” 

The writer of the quote La Rochefoucauld was a French writer in the 16th Century. It’s amazing to think that five centuries later man still cannot find satisfaction in himself. In fact it is probably even less so that the general population can find satisfaction with self. Everyone wants to be a part of, or to have this, or to be with this person, or do this to feel “satisfied.”

Sadly those things are just fleeting, momentary, temporary and other words which mean the same thing. Yet still man is content with pursuing these brief moments of satisfaction. We collect them, hoping that when put together they will make us feel whole. Many people spend most of their years chasing after things that they believe they need in their lives to complete them and help them find gratification. 

What the writer is saying and is so true that only when we have found fulfillment within ourselves that we will truly be whole and not look outside ourselves for that gratification. There is a wanting desire in all of us to be happy, to be content, to be satisfied. It is only when we search within ourselves and be content with who we are, what we look like, our possessions, our life situation, accept it and make the best of it do we find peace. Then do we become satisfied.

Just a thought…. Ponder on it…. I know you have your goals things you want to accomplish that would “lead to your satisfaction” Educational accomplishments, Relationships, House, Car, Marriage, Kids, Wealth, etc… But think about it… Can all the things you ever want really fulfill you? Some may say “Hell yes!” lol But nah… You can gain the whole world but what would it profit you losing your soul? Losing sight of yourself… I think that in life everyone needs to work on self.  

Instead of man's "pursuit of happiness" being about chasing things, feelings or people we should all try to become as whole as we can be. The quicker you learn the lesson that you need to be content with (insert name here) then everything else in life would be that more satisfying because you have found fulfillment in yourself first. The earlier in life one learns this... the more years of true satisfaction one can enjoy.  

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