
Friday, August 5, 2011

All Hail Ceasar!!!

So  I saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes in cinema on Wednesday (Globe of course). Great movie!!! Reminded me of a pic I had taken with my Blackberry sometime prob last year. Funny stuff! One of my many talents! But anywho...

Rise of the Planet of the Apes spoke to me much deeper than the great story line, action sequences, the special affects and good acting. 

It led me to think about human beings and our evolution. Not in the whole belief in the evolution of human life theory as I don't subscribe to that chain of thought but more so in our development through our lifetime. 

On a global scale new rapid developments in technology, architecture and the like always amazes me! The building of a simple house amazes me because of its complexity! Much less to fathom all the behind the scenes thingies at work for the Internet to function effectively. Man has truly come far and we are truly evolving every day. Ever thought about how a cup is made? Or even a pencil! I don't know maybe it's just me but I'm always amazed by these little inventions that make our lives easier and try to imagine all the effort, trial and error, time, blood, sweat and tears it took into making them. 

Evolution always comes at a price for some reason and it seems that we are forgoing the environmental effects of our development. How far are we willing to go to have the next big thing? As bright as our future looks it as a bleak outlook. 

So check out the infamous pic of me monkeying around bearing a striking resemblance to Ceasar!!! :p 

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