
Monday, August 8, 2011

Finding a good Church is like finding a good Punchman

So I went to church yesterday for the first time in two years. Not proud of it or condoning it at all, just setting the tone. Although I do pray and talk to God every day and try to read my bible (not as often as I should), I know that I am still missing that key element of my spiritual life. Fellowshipping with people with the same beliefs as me and praising and worshiping God in his house is one of those key areas that I fall short and am making an effort to correct.

Now, my experience yesterday wasn’t all that I expected it to be. I was very zealous and excited as I finally make up my mind to stop procrastinating and to go to the house of my God. So much so that I was constantly bbming my friend who invited me to make sure that we would be on time. I went there searching for something, expecting something and unfortunately I did not get what I had hoped and longed for.

Now I’m not knocking the church eh don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t moved as I felt I should have been although I was very open to receive. Some of the other members of the congregation were moved and some even accepted Christ and I could tell that the church is really genuinely a family and have a close relationship with each other which is good.  But I didn’t nor did I feel the Holy Spirit move in me. The worship, praise, message nothing connected with me nothing gave me that sustenance that I desired. So I left just as I came in.

It I came home, reflected and came up with this analogy Finding a good Church is like finding a good Punchman. Lol  I know I know sounds weird but hear me out! For a guy punch (milk based beverage with peanut, banana, seamoss etc flavours) is a significant part to life. It gives you sustenance and makes you stronger. Punch feeds your body with nutrients it craves. Furthermore when you’ve found the right Punchman, you keep going back as much as possible and you even refer your friends to it because you believe in it and are proud to say that is my Punchman.

Similarly when you’ve found the right church which is in tune with your needs your spirit is fed with the nutrients it needs, the Word and those nutrients make your spirit stronger. When you’ve found that right church you are proud to say where you fellowship and would encourage your friends to visit and experience the sustenance that you receive there.

That being said I’m not saying because of my experience that I’m going back to church again. I am just on a quest to find the one that’s right for me, where I feel most comfortable and satisfies my need and hunger. I want to feel something! The church I went to didn’t do it for me although I will attend again this week just to give them the benefit of the doubt because even the best Punchmen have off days. If I don’t receive and have a real experience with God I’ll just try and try again every week until I find a place that I can call home.

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