
Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Truth

Out from my mouth I speak the truth
Funny thing is…
The truth offends
But the truth shall set you free
So I’ve concluded that we don’t want freedom
We'd rather be slaves to our own beliefs
And work and toil in the hot sun picking false truths from the garden of the world
Captured and enslaved by the man who wants all the truth for himself
He then manufactures the defective truths and sells it to us wholesale 
And we buy it
And we pay premium price too
Soooo you didn’t read what’s on the label?
Shame on you!

We don’t want to hear the truth so we lie
Our vocal cords are filled with negative words
When they should be lined with positive words
Men lie, women lie, children lie, and even babies lie!
Its commonplace, embedded in our norms and even our values
Taught to us by social interaction and perfected through repetition  

We cover up to truth because we don’t want to hurt anyone including ourselves
I like to call it…. Lying for the greater good!
We lie to our spouses, family, friends and worst and most of all to ourselves
Steal for the greater good!
We steal that which is our right… The right to the truth, to be able to make decisions based on truth
Enslave for the greater good!
We enslave our own minds with our own fabricated truths and enslave others by making them believe them
We are living a dual role as both slaves and slave masters

But who really wants to hear the truth? 
Do you?
Who wants to hear that…
Yes, you do look fat in that dress
I don’t like makeup on you, you look like a clown
That was the worst sex ever!
That is one uglyyyy baby! Damn!
Why don’t you just shut the f#ck up!
It’s 5 o’clock! This woman donno I have a life a what!
This church only studying to collect offering and to take people money
I can’t believe I’m with a cheating bastard like you!

Instead we say
You look amazing in that dress
Wow that makeup makes you look so beautiful
Omg baby no one ever made me cum like you did!
Awww that baby soooo cute :) 
Mmmhmm that’s what de man do girl? Really wow such a dog! Mmmhmm Yeah? Mmmhmm
That sermon was good today, let me give a special offering!
Baby I love you… It happens but I’ll do anything to make it work between us…

Why do we fear a negative comment that is truthful?
Why can’t we just accept the truth and deal with it?
We try to make the perfect little world for ourselves
But worldly perfection is imperfect so we’re just spinning top in mud
Mud, that of course we made perfect in our own minds
And that’s The Truth!

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