
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Colorful Pants... A story of the Z Generation (1 of 4)

Yellow, orange, green, purple, blue… Can’t you hear the youths cry for attention with their colourful pants? Oh and uh… the tighter the better for both guys and girls what’s up with that? I mean how old are these children really?

They are more aware about what’s going on than we are. Been through and done things that we only started thinking about when we hit our late teens, but this is a new millennia, children are not only having sex at 14 and 15 but looking for it too.

I mean think about it…What does a 15 year old know about being sexy? But that’s what they aspire to be called, sexy and a “bes ting”. Giving themselves names like chocolate darkie, bubblicious swanky redz and all of the like. What ever happened to girls wanting to be just that girls… and look beautiful? These girls have no self-esteem, they want to feel admired, desired and loved because they don’t get those things at home.

Take 1 horny misguided 16 year old boy or one very “tusty” 20 something year old man who should know better, mix well, add unprotected sex and pow! A recipe for disaster! The end result a young girl’s life turned upside down in an instant. The man/boy used her, so now she suffers from withdrawal and hates all men or worse, she is with child or has an STD.

Why cant we see what’s going on so very clear around us?

These colourful Pants……


“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” - Thich Nhat Hahn.

A smile truly changes your appearance. As your facial expression changes your body reacts. Your mood is adjusted, more loosened and more free more contented and satisfied. A smile expresses one of the most natural, pure and most sought after feelings.... happiness.
It takes less effort to smile than to frown, maybe thats why you're frowning in the first place :P. Smile as much as you can, don't waste time worrying, being angry or sad, but be happy, be content, share the gift of laughter, share a smile. :) I know I just did.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quest for POWER

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character. give him power" --Abraham Lincoln.

In the political arena and in leadership on a whole now greater words have been spoken. I think that power corrupts and leaves a desire for more power, a desire to not give up that power, the perks, the control, the feeling of superiority and almost being above the law. It is very human to want power or to be in control but power isn't for just anyone, it can have a very negative effect on who you are.

A great leader has a strong mental aptitude and is selfless, I think think that is the only way that power won't affect someone. If they themselves seek out the best interests of others and put the needs and feelings of others before their own it will keep them grounded and humble. After all leadership is about service, you need to be able to take care of the desires of your followers, keep them happy and motivated.

A perfect example right here at home of how power can corrupt and make you not want to give it up is happening right now in T&T where the Opposition Party held their general election recently and the leader of the oppositon lost and for nothing would he admit defeat, he lacks the humility and grace of a great leader. Where is his character? A great leader knows when to give up, when pass on the baton and a great leader grooms and supports his succesor (how many leaders even do this? Think local politics and private business).

Examples of great leaders who didn't succumb to power (just a few of my personal favourites in no particular order): Nelson Mandela, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, Martin Luther King Jr, John F. Kennedy.

Prime examples of leaders who abused their power: Adolf Hitler, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong Il. Our local favourites Patrick Manning and Basdeo Panday.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

That is the real me...

" Seek out the particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes comes the inner voice which says, 'This is the real me, ' and when you have found that attitute, follow it." -- James Truslow Adams

I think at a certain point in one's life some soul searching is necessary. I don't think that there can be a set age as everyone is 'uniquely different' but at some point this needs to take place so that life can have meaning.

The real me? Has a canny sense of humor, loves to laugh, loves to dream, loves to love, is passionate, loves to inspire and help people to grow, loves to learn, loves life, believes that everything happens for a reason, has a desire and drive to succeed at everything that I do. Is nowhere perfect, knows some of my flaws and is working towards fixing them.

Now... The real you (.......)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to my mind....


My name is Kenyon. I guess you can find out more about me in the "about me" section of the page and more so by my words. Okay so I decided I want to do more to get my thoughts and opinions out there and what better way than through the wonders of social media! My blog content will range from poetry, music, short stories, humor, the male/female dynamic, relationships, love and just plain old my speaking my mind on issues and various trending topics. 

I have a very casual style and I'll let you know from the get go I'm not the greatest speller so bare with me and lets hope that spell check does its job!  Welcome to my mind... I hope you enjoy the journey. I will be writing about what I see, hear, touch, taste and feel. Yes my senses will be my guide :P

My aim is to inspire, to challenge and to excite the thoughts, emotions and soul.