
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Absolution

I write
You wrong
I strong
You weak
When I talk you don’t speak
What I give, you take wholeheartedly and do not question
I have the answer to your every solution

Your life is an illusion here for me to give clarity
No amount of education can make you move smartly
Unless I give you the right-of-away  
And right away you realize that you need me
It is your meekness that feeds me
It consumes me gives me power and makes me greedy

If only you would stand up for yourself
Or if not for you, do it for someone you hold dear
No, you are gripped by the fear of your own impotence
Thought to think of yourself less than you are by the very being you seek strength from
Now isn't that a contradiction 

The fault lies in your own shortcomings
Because instead of seeking wisdom your heart yearns for other things
As does your body mind and soul
It gives you temporary happiness
Until the thought of your meaningless existence sinks in again
To no end

You do not seek the truth
Content in the comfort and confident in the construct of lies uttered by raised voices
Success, they have sold you on their superiority and the soundness of their choices
Never to whisper your own thoughts for fear that they may provoke thought
But that process has so been absent from your system that the thought alone might kill you

You wrong
I write
You weak
I strong
When you talk, I speak louder, confident in my utterances
What you give I don’t have to take because I am brave enough to make my own way
I have the answer to my every solution
My own resolve will bring with it my absolution